What are the chances??!!
Of me posting twice on the same day??!! Here goes some more....
The one true love of my life! The greatest woman (as far as I'm concerned) on this planet!! The person who will beat the living daylights out of me if I dont write the first two sentences!! :-)
Taken at St. Thomas.
Unfiltered WYSIWYG! The shot doesn't do justice to what we saw....every sunrise and sunset is this good! Makes me think it's better that I dont live there....else I might not appreciate it this much?! Perhaps the human tendency is to take things for granted...and actually EXPECT to see such grandeur if it is common?
Look closely and you'll see a little water-plane (damn! need to google the right name) taking off! Pretty cool...
Taken at St. Thomas....The more the merrier! Had to get a diagonal shot in an attempt to fit all three in...
Phew....I'm tired! Laters...